
Showing posts from August, 2021


       Irritability is something we have all experienced, but what separates  it from other emotional states is the extend to which it poisons the emotional atmosphere around us. Everyone feels irritable sometimes. But if you are not careful, your irritability may cause bigger problems in your life. Whether you are talking about things you don't want to say and hurt relationships, or it is difficult to stay effective at work because the people around you bother you, it is important to resolve your irritability. when we feel irritable, we feel nervous, grumpy, and bitter. Our tolerance is lower, and we are more likely to be troubled by the kind of small difficulties we usually ignore. TAKE A BREAK     When you are working on a frustrating project, or when you are in an environment that increases your stress level, sometimes the best way is to take a break. A short break may be all you need to recharge the battery and reenter the situation to feel refres...


           Whenever you are trying to achieve something big, there will be instances where you will feel weak, and giving up will seem like a viable option.     It is instead a test of your patience and resilience. If you can tell yourself not to give up when quitting is the easiest thing to do, you can rest assured that you will achieve your goal sooner or later. HAVE AN "I WON'T QUIT" ATTITUDE          Developing an I Won't Quit  attitude will help you keep going even when the odds are not in your favor.  And, the good thing is that it is not something God-gifted. It's just a mindset that anyone can adopt.       Whenever you feel  like quitting, keep reminding yourself the following:               * I have the power in me to keep going when things get tough.                 * I am resilient.    ...