A man was washing his new car when his neighbor asked him, "when did you get the car?" He replied "My brother gave it to me." The neighbor said, I wish I had a car like that. The man replied, "You should wish to have a brother like that." The neighbor's wife was listening to the conversation and she interrupted, "I wish I was a brother like that." What a POSITIVE WAY to think.
Whenever we do something positive in life, even if no one is watching, we rise a little bit in our eyes. Whenever we do something negative like lying, cheating, stealing, even if no is watching, we fall down a little bit in our own eyes.
There are many individuals and organisations who do voluntary activities where there are no gains in cash or kind such as organising blood donation, eye donation camps. You ask them why they're doing this and their answer is "I Feel Good."
Feeling Good is a natural outcome of Doing Good; and Doing Good is a natural outcome of Being Good.
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