DESTINY IS NO MATTER OF CHANCE. IT IS A MATTER OF CHOICE. Life follows you. Absolutely everything you experience in your life is a result of what you have given out in your thoughts and feelings, whether you realize you have given them or not. Life is not happening to you, Life is following you. Your destiny is in your hands. Whatever you think, whatever you feel, will decide your life. Everything in life is presented to you for you to choose what you love. Life is a catalogue, and you are the one who chooses what you love from the catalogue. If your life is far from wonderful, then you have inadvertently been labeling all the bad things. You have allowed the things you think are bad to distract you from the purpose of your life. Because the purpose of your life is to love. The purpose of your life is joy. The purpose of your life is to choose the things you love and turn away from the things you don't love so you don't choose them.